All posts tagged: life

Live Life, Not Age because living has no age

Birthdays are always exciting, aren’t they? At least they are for me as it makes me grateful for having a good life. But, turning a year old on your birthday also means having to face the countless two-cents and questions (regarding your life, marriage, kids, career to everything) thrown at you by the society. And as I turn a year older today, I am reminded of many such two-cents and questions thrown at me over the period of time on “Living my life according to my age.” And why do I receive this? you may think. Maybe because I love exploring and learning new things and I am usually engaged in some or other activities like trekking, running, volunteering, learning new skills, developing a new hobby or attending workshops and that keeps me busy. We all receive these pieces of advice almost every day of our life, don’t we? And that is because everything in our society revolves around certain set rules that are time and age bound. The moment we are born, we are handed a …

Destination is not important, your Journey is!

  “Look at Sharma Uncle’s daughter. She always comes first.” “Such a bright guy, he excels in everything that he does.” Most of us have grown up hearing these kinds of dialogues from our parents, teachers and from almost everybody around us, haven’t we? It so happens that most of us are brought up in an environment where we are constantly told that coming first and winning is the ultimate mark of achievement. Every now and then, we are told to compare and compete ourselves with others and their achievements. And in this competition, if we do not end up being the winner, we end up feeling guilty about not being good enough to do anything. The thing to ponder is why should it always be about I v/s others? Shouldn’t it be about I v/s I? where you compete with yourself in becoming the better version of self. In this aimless race that we are conditioned to follow in life, we often forget to celebrate or acknowledge the most important thing “Taking the First …