All posts filed under: Fitness

How to stay Positive during the Lockdown

The Covid19 pandemic has put a stop to the World. Most countries are under lockdown and the only talk everywhere is of Covid19. The constant talks, news of Covid19 and the uncertainties surrounding our life can have an impact on our physical and mental well-being.  The times are bleak, but not everything has to be negative, right? There are people around the world that are trying their best to spread positivity and happiness in these daunting times. While there are famous personalities sharing positive news like standup comedian, Atul Khatri who is doing a special short-video programme “Only Positive News!” and Faye Dsouza with her “Good News Tonight” series on Instagram, there are also common people like you and me trying their best to be positive and add positivity in other’s life. Hence, I have jotted down the names of people that are adding positivity to my lockdown time.   After witnessing so many stories of pain and sufferings of people from various strata of the society, the things that have most hit me since …

Destination is not important, your Journey is!

  “Look at Sharma Uncle’s daughter. She always comes first.” “Such a bright guy, he excels in everything that he does.” Most of us have grown up hearing these kinds of dialogues from our parents, teachers and from almost everybody around us, haven’t we? It so happens that most of us are brought up in an environment where we are constantly told that coming first and winning is the ultimate mark of achievement. Every now and then, we are told to compare and compete ourselves with others and their achievements. And in this competition, if we do not end up being the winner, we end up feeling guilty about not being good enough to do anything. The thing to ponder is why should it always be about I v/s others? Shouldn’t it be about I v/s I? where you compete with yourself in becoming the better version of self. In this aimless race that we are conditioned to follow in life, we often forget to celebrate or acknowledge the most important thing “Taking the First …