Month: May 2017

Trekking in High Altitude – A Beginner’s Guide

The craze for outdoors has seen a great high in the last few years. There are more number of people going on treks or doing adventure activities now than ever before. Its a good sign, but what is not good is the lack of preparation by the people before indulging in such trips. I have seen people coming on treks without even knowing what it is all about. This attitude can be dangerous both to yourself and the environment. While stepping into the wilderness, it’s our duty to follow the guidelines correctly. We need to respect the mountains only then will the mountains respect us. I consider myself as a nascent trekker that is yet learning about the mountains and trekking. Yet, I have made a simple guide from whatever learning I had through my years of trekking in the Himalayas. If you are a first-time high altitude trekker, I hope this guide helps you in becoming a responsible trekker and makes your first trek enjoyable: 1. No Alcohol   You would have often heard …