Month: December 2013


Photo Courtesy – Atul Vaidya Being an Indian, one mode of transport which we all would have used at least once in our life is a train. A mere mention of trains can evoke in our life many memories like the fun filled train journeys during vacations, an exciting journey to reach your hometown or the boring train journey for business. I have always been a big fan of train journeys; it’s hard to tell you what I like the most, I still can’t figure out if it is the beautiful sceneries, the hustle and bustle in the train, the constant chattering of the people or the endless food items making the rounds at every station. But in midst all these things, there is something more to the Indian rails and that is “RAIL ROKO ANDOLAN.” It is a common terminology in India, literally meaning “Stop the Train Movement” and it’s mainly used by a group of people who want to make certain bodies, mainly the government, listen to their woes. So, what happens when …