Month: February 2013

Confessions Of A Non Runner

Photo Courtesy: Vivek Iyer Have you ever tried running? If you haven’t, then you should definitely give it a try now. You will be surprised to discover so many new things about yourself. I never ran in my life until, I decided to register for Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2013. This was my first half marathon and I was super excited for it, so excited that a day before the SCMM run I even dreamt about missing it. But luckily for me nothing like that happened and there I was at 5.15 a.m all ready for my run to start from Bandra Fire Station. Finally, it was the moment I was waiting for, the moment I had been training for, the moment to make myself proud. After meeting my trainers and wishing my running group and other friends, I headed to be in my running section that is C. As, I headed towards my start line, there were two guys walking behind me, chit chatting, suddenly I felt one of the guys face brushing my shoulders. Though the guy said sorry, …