Month: October 2012

Good Food Day At ITC, Parel

Ever wondered what is good food? For some, it might be the food that tastes divine, for some it might be simple home cooked food, for some its their favorite food and for me Good Food means, “A meal whose sight and bite makes me happy and content in life.” Its that happy rush which you get at every bite you take, which shoots straight to your heart and off course your tummy. And, that’s exactly what the idea was at BBC Good Food Magazine’s Good Food Day organized by Times Group at ITC Grand Central.  Good Food Day was a celebration of three cuisines Indian, Pan Asian and European at ITC’s Kebabs and Curries, Shanghai Club and Hornby’s Pavilion respectively.  The 8 course meals were cooked by some of the best chefs of Mumbai. The moment I got to know about Good Food Day, I had decided to attend it. And that’s what I did, I attended it with my foodie friend Sushant, we choose the European cuisine at Hornby’s Pavilion. So, here is my view on Good …